Browse Institution

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Biological Sciences BS Department
Careers Service CC Department
Centre for Professional Studies CP Department
Centre for the Development of Academic Skills (CeDAS) CE Department
Classics CL Department
Computer Science CS Department
Criminology and Sociology CR Department
Drama, Theatre and Dance DT Department
Earth Sciences GL Department
Economics EC Department
Electronic Engineering EE Department
English EN Department
French FR Department
Gender Studies GS Department
Geography GG Department
German GM Department
Health Studies HE Department
Hispanic Studies SN Department
History HS Department
Italian IT Department
Law LL Department
Management MN Department
Mathematics and Information Security MT Department
Media Arts MA Department
Music MU Department
Organisational Development OD Department
Physics PH Department
Politics and International Relations PR Department
Psychology PS Department
Social Work HC Department
Study Group 88 Department
Test module TEST35 Module

Lists linked to Royal Holloway, University of London

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