Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Cryptography for Privacy-Preserving Computation IY5614 Module
Advanced Cryptography for Privacy-Preserving Computation IY5614B Module
Advanced Skills MT3050 Module
Anonymity and Information Privacy IY5615B Module
Anonymity and Information Privacy IY5615 Module
Applications of Cryptography IY3660 Module
Applications of Scientific Programming MT5450 Module
Applications of Scientific Programming MT3500 Module
Applications of Vector Calculus MT3270 Module
Applications of Vector Calculus MT4270 Module
Calculus I MT1710 Module
Calculus II MT1720 Module
Channels MT5441 Course
Classical Information Theory MT3410 Module
Classical Information Theory MT4410 Module
Combinatorics MT4540 Module
Combinatorics MT3540 Module
Combinatorics MT5454 Module
Complex Analysis MT2900 Module
Complexity Theory MT5413 Module
Complexity Theory MT3130 Module
Complexity Theory MT4130 Module
Computer and Network Security IY2840 Module
Computer Security (Operating Systems) IY5512 Module
Computer Security (Operating Systems) IY5512B Module
Computer Security (Operating Systems) IY5512J Module
Critical Infrastructure Security IY5612B Module
Critical Infrastructure Security IY5612 Module
Critical Infrastructure Security IY3612 Module
Critical Infrastructure Security IY4612 Module
Cryptography and Security Mechanisms IY5502B Module
Cryptography and Security Mechanisms IY5502 Module
Cryptography I MT5462 Module
Cryptography I MT4620 Module
Cryptography I MT3620 Module
Cryptography II MT5466 Module
Cryptography II MT4660 Module
Cryptography II MT3660 Module
Cyber Crime IY5605O Module
Cyber Crime IY5605 Module
Cyber Crime IY5605B Module
Cyber Crime IY5605J Module
Cyber Security IY5612O Module
Cyber Security for Data Science IY5702J Module
Cyber Security Foundations IY5701J Module
Database Security IY5604 Module
Digital Forensics IY4609 Module
Digital Forensics IY5609 Module
Digital Forensics IY5609O Module
Digital forensics IY3609 Module
Digital Forensics IY5609J Module
Digital Forensics IY5609B Module
Electromagnetic Theory MT3240 Module
Error-Correcting Codes MT3610 Module
Error-Correcting Codes MT4610 Module
Error-Correcting Codes MT5461 Module
Field Theory MT4850 Module
Field Theory MT5485 Module
Field Theory MT3850 Module
Financial Mathematics I MT4570 Module
Financial Mathematics I MT3470 Module
Financial Mathematics I MT5547 Module
Financial Mathematics II MT5448 Module
Financial Mathematics II MT3480 Module
Financial Mathematics II MT4480 Module
Fluid Dynamics MT4290 Module
Fluid Dynamics MT3290 Module
Foundation Individual Scientific Project MT1999 Module
Foundation Practical Skills (Mathematics) MT1998 Module
Fundamentals of Computer and Network Security IY5620 Module
Fundamentals of Computer and Network Security IY5511B Module
Fundamentals of Computer and Network Security IY5511 Module
Further Linear Algebra and Modules MT2880 Module
Game Theory MT3690 Module
Game Theory MT4690 Module
Graphs and Optimisation MT2630 Module
Group Theory MT3860 Module
Group Theory MT4860 Module
Groups and Group Actions MT2860 Module
Human Aspects of Security and Privacy IY5613B Module
Individual Project in Applied Data Science and Cyber Security IY5722J Module
Individual Project in Information Security IY3821 Module
Information Security IY5760 Module
Information Security MSci Project IY4500 Module
Introduction To Applied Mathematics MT1210 Module
Introduction to Computer Programming MT3040 Module
Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms IY5502O Module
Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms IY5502J Module
Introduction to Geometry MT1100 Module
Introduction to Optimisation MT4680 Module
Introduction to Optimisation MT3680 Module
Introduction to Pure Mathematics MT1810 Module
Knot Theory MT4970 Module
Knot Theory MT3970 Module
Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Information Security IY5521 Module
Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Information Security IY5621B Module
Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Information Security IY5621 Module
Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Information Security IY5521J Module
Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Information Security IY5521O Module
Linear Algebra I MT1820 Module
Linear Algebra II MT2800 Module
Linear Algebra III MT3880 Module
Malicious Software IY3840 Module
Markov Chains and Applications MT4360 Module
Markov Chains and Applications MT3360 Module
Markov Chains and Applications MT5436 Module
Mathematics In The Classroom MT3090 Module
Mathematics Project MT3000 Module
MSc Project MT5400 Module
Msci Project MT4000 Module
Network Security IY5511O Module
Network Security IY5511J Module
Non-Linear Dynamical Systems: Routes to Chaos MT3280 Module
Non-Linear Dynamical Systems: Routes to Chaos MT4280 Module
Number Theory MT4110 Module
Number Theory MT3110 Module
Number Theory II MT4120 Module
Number Theory II MT5412 Module
Number Theory II MT3120 Module
Ordinary Differential Equations and Fourier Analysis MT2720 Module
Principles of Algorithm Design MT5414 Module
Principles of Algorithm Design MT4140 Module
Principles of Algorithm Design MT3140 Module
Probability Theory MT2320 Module
Project IY5500B Module
Project IY5500J Module
Project IY5500 Module
Project (Year in Industry) IY5510J Module
Project (Year in Industry) IY5510 Module
Quantum Information Theory MT3450 Module
Quantum Information Theory MT5445 Module
Quantum Information Theory MT4450 Module
Quantum Theory I MT4260 Module
Quantum Theory I MT3260 Module
Quantum Theory II MT5425 Module
Quantum Theory II MT4250 Module
Quantum Theory II MT3250 Module
Real Analysis I MT1940 Module
Real Analysis II MT2940 Module
Ring Theory MT2830 Module
Scientific Programming MT2500 Module
Secure and Trustworthy Embedded Technologies in Autonomous Systems IY5606 Module
Secure Business Architectures IY5623B Module
Secure Business Architectures IY5523B Module
Secure Business Architectures IY5523J Module
Secure Business Architectures IY5623 Module
Secure Business Architectures IY5523 Module
Secure business architectures IY4523 Module
Secure Business Architectures IY5523O Module
Security and Behaviour Change IY5616B Module
Security and Behaviour Change IY5616 Module
Security Management IY4501 Module
Security Management IY5501J Module
Security Management IY5501O Module
Security Management and Methods IY5501B Module
Security Management and Methods IY5501 Module
Security Technologies IY5522B Module
Security Technologies IY5522O Module
Security Technologies IY5522J Module
Security Technologies IY5522 Module
Security Testing Theory and Practice IY4610 Module
Security Testing- Theory and Practice IY5610J Module
Security Testing- Theory and Practice IY5610O Module
Security Testing: Theory and Practice IY5610B Module
Security Testing: Theory and Practice IY5610 Module
Smart Cards, RFIDs and Embedded Systems Security IY5606O Module
Smart Cards, RFIDs and Embedded Systems Security IY3606 Module
Smart Cards, RFIDs and Embedded Systems Security IY5606B Module
Smart Cards, RFIDs and Embedded Systems Security IY4606 Module
Social Foundations of Security and Privacy IY5613 Module
Social Foundations of Security and Privacy IY5613O Module
Social Foundations of Security and Privacy IY5613J Module
Software Security IY5607O Module
Software Security IY5607B Module
Software Security IY5607 Module
Statistical Inference MT5432 Module
Statistical Inference MT4320 Module
Statistical Inference MT3320 Module
Statistical Methods I MT1300 Module
Statistical Methods II MT2300 Module
Statistical Project MT3300 Module
Systems of Differential Equations MT2710 Module
Time Series Analysis MT5434 Module
Time Series Analysis MT4340 Module
Time Series Analysis MT3340 Module
Topology MT5491 Module
Topology MT4910 Module
Topology MT3910 Module
Usable Security and Privacy IY5617B Module
Usable Security and Privacy IY5617 Module
Vector Calculus MT2220 Module

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