Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Applied Drama Workshop DT5006 Module
Culture and Creativity DT3400 Module
Curating and Exhibiting Performance DT3316 Module
Making Performance Texts DT5200 Module
Methods & Processes DT3100 Module
Playwriting DT5113 Module
Theatre & Culture 2 DT2300 Module
Theatre & Ideas 2 DT2400 Module
# Black Lives Matter: Theatre, Film and Activism DT3136 Module
A Director Prepares DT5120 Module
A Violent Act: Women, performance and historiography DT3313 Module
Acting 360 DT3104 Module
Actor Training in a Globalized World DT3116 Module
Actor Training: the Actor’s Physicality in Beijing Opera DT3137 Module
Actor Training: the Power of Resistance in Japanese No DT3129 Module
Advanced Acting DT3205 Module
Advanced Movement Workshop DT3919 Module
Advanced Option Workshop: London's Theatrical Geographies DT3117 Module
Advanced Option: Film, Space, History DT3102 Module
Aesthetic Philosophy DT2414 Module
Applied Theatre DT3120 Module
Applied Theatre: Conflict and Care DT3133 Module
Archive Workshop DT2307 Module
Arts in London DT2601 Module
Asylum Seekers in the 21st Century: Theatre, Film and Activism DT3101 Module
Choreographic Practices 1 DT1940 Module
Choreographic Practices 2 DT2940 Module
Concept and Dramaturgy DT5122 Module
Contemporary British Theatre DT3314 Module
Contemporary British Theatre DT5123 Module
Contemporary Performance Practices: Workshop DT5211 Module
Creative Dissertation DT3203 Module
Creative Independent Project DT2904 Module
Creative Learning and Theatre DT3108 Module
Critical Independent Project DT2905 Module
Cultural Heritage DT2415 Module
Dance Practice DT3990 Module
Dance Repertory and Repertoires DT3960 Module
Dancing in the Street DT3109 Module
Department Based Project DT1999 Module
Department Specific Skills DT1998 Module
Design for Performance DT2106 Module
Design for Performance: Imagined Ecologies and Sustainable Practices DT3127 Module
Designing For The Theatre:Lighting & Sound:II DT2500 Module
Dissertation/Director’s Log DT5210 Module
English/Drama Research Seminar (Long essay) DT3501 Module
English/Drama Research Seminar (Performance) DT3500 Module
European Playwriting DT3121 Module
Final Year Project - Dissertation DT3201 Module
Final Year Project - Group Performance DT3202 Module
Independent Project in Contemporary Performance Practices DT5212 Module
Interactive and Immersive Media in Theatre DT3011 Module
Love, Gender and Sexuality on Stage and Screen DT3103 Module
Making Musical Theatre DT2150 Module
Making Performance DT5203 Module
Making Radio Drama DT3135 Module
Medicine and the Body in Performance DT3317 Module
Modern European Directors DT3123 Module
Moving Bodies 1 DT1910 Module
Moving Bodies 2 DT2910 Module
Musical Theatre DT3124 Module
Naturalist Theatre in Context DT3312 Module
Paranoia Film in the long 1970s DT2206 Module
Performance and Visual Art DT3110 Module
Performing Histories DT3126 Module
Performing Mobilities DT3130 Module
Physical Theatre DT3111 Module
Playwriting DT5100 Module
Practice-as-Research Methodologies DT3970 Module
Race Relations in Theatre, Film and Television DT3105 Module
Rhythm Is Gonna Get You: Postwar Popular Music & Performance DT2651 Module
Shakespeare DT3106 Module
Shakespeare on Camera DT3112 Module
Site-based Performance DT3128 Module
Skills Lab DT1600 Module
Special Topics in Dance Studies DT3980 Module
Spectacle and Politics in International Performance DT3315 Module
Study Abroad DT3600 Module
Taught Dissertation DT3204 Module
Telling Tales DT3134 Module
The Actor's Voice DT3113 Module
The Expressive Actor DT1500 Module
The Idea of Movement DT2418 Module
The Idea of the Musical DT2413 Module
The Politics of Performance in a Globalized World DT3132 Module
Theatre & Culture 1 DT1300 Module
Theatre & Culture: Aesthetics of Anxiety DT2303 Module
Theatre & Culture: Cultures of Memory DT2304 Module
Theatre & Culture: Dancing Bodies, Global Culture DT2306 Module
Theatre & Culture: Southeast Asian Theatre and Performance DT2301 Module
Theatre & Culture: Theatre for Young Audiences DT2302 Module
Theatre & Ideas 2: The Idea of Memory DT2416 Module
Theatre & Ideas: Arts Entrepreneurship DT2405 Module
Theatre & Ideas: Ideas of Gender and Sexuality DT2406 Module
Theatre & Ideas: Ideas of Race and Indigeneity DT2403 Module
Theatre & Ideas: The Idea of Acting DT2402 Module
Theatre & Ideas: The Idea of Adaptation DT2412 Module
Theatre & Ideas: The Idea of Casting DT2411 Module
Theatre & Ideas: The Idea of Knowledge and the Body DT2408 Module
Theatre & Ideas: The Idea of Live Art DT2401 Module
Theatre & Ideas: The Idea of Money DT2404 Module
Theatre & Ideas: The Idea of Theatricality DT2417 Module
Theatre & Ideas: The Idea of Time DT2407 Module
Theatre & Ideas: The Idea of Tragedy DT2409 Module
Theatre & Performance Making 2: Stage Acting DT2108 Module
Theatre & Performance Making: Acting for Camera DT2104 Module
Theatre & Performance Making: Dance and Theatre DT2105 Module
Theatre & Performance Making: Devising DT2102 Module
Theatre & Performance Making: Playwriting DT2101 Module
Theatre & Performance Making: Theatre Directing DT2103 Module
Theatre & Performance-Making 2: Puppetry and Object Theatre DT2109 Module
Theatre & Text DT1200 Module
Theatre & Text 2 DT2200 Module
Theatre & Text 2: Decoding debbie tucker green DT2203 Module
Theatre & Text: Dramaturgy DT2204 Module
Theatre & Text: Greek Tragedy DT2202 Module
Theatre & Text: Staging the Real DT2201 Module
Theatre & Therapy DT3114 Module
Theatre & Performance-Making 2 DT2100 Module
Theatre and Culture 2: Games & Play DT2311 Module
Theatre and Culture 2: Performing Feminisms DT2308 Module
Theatre and Ideas: Key Concepts in Theatre and Performance Studies DT1400 Module
Theatre and Performance Making 1 DT1100 Module
Theatre and Performance Making 2: Design and Production DT2112 Module
Theatre and Performance Making 2: Physical Theatre DT2111 Module
Theatre and Performance-Making: Site-based Performance DT2107 Module
Theatre and Power DT3118 Module
Theatre and the Environment DT2215 Module
Theatre Directing DT5121 Module
Theatre, Magic and Witchcraft DT3115 Module
World Dance Histories DT1920 Module
Writing Dance DT1930 Module

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