Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Adjustment and Well-Being PS5206 Module
Adult Psychopathology PS3110 Module
Advanced and Applied Research Techniques PS5204 Module
Advanced Developmental Psychology PS3041 Module
Advanced Statistics PS3193 Module
Applied Neuroscience PS4208 Module
Applied Neuroscience Methods PS5210 Module
Applied Neuroscience Project PS5209 Module
Assessment and Formulation in Clinical Child Psychology PS5401 Module
Biological Foundations of Psychology PS1060 Module
Biological Foundations of Psychology PS1060O Module
Brain and Behaviour PS2061 Module
Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience PS3141 Module
Clinical Assessment and Treatment Approaches PS4306 Module
Clinical Assessment and Treatment Approaches PS5306 Module
Clinical Dissertation PS5305 Module
Clinical Placement PS5402 Module
Clinical Placement PS5304O Module
Clinical Placement PS5304 Module
Clinical Skills Assessment PS6000 Module
Cognitive Psychology PS2021O Module
Cognitive Psychology PS2021 Module
Communicating for Social Change PS1222 Module
Communication in the social world PS3022 Module
Conceptual Issues In Psychology PS2080 Module
Conceptual Issues In Psychology PS2080O Module
Consciousness and Cognition PS3060 Module
Criminal and Forensic Psychology PS3181 Module
Developmental Disorders PS3121 Module
Developmental Psychology PS2040 Module
Educational Psychology PS3190 Module
Employability for Psychology PS2090 Module
Essay PS6003 Module
Essay 2 PS6010 Module
Exam: Clinical Psychology Exam PS6006 Module
Exams Paper 2: Clinical Theory and Practice PS6007 Module
Final Year Project PS3200 Module
Final Year Project PS3201 Module
Forensic Investigations: Cognitive and Social Approaches PS4303 Module
Forensic Investigations: Cognitive and Social Approaches PS5303 Module
Health Psychology and Wellbeing PS3050 Module
How can psychology change the world: Applied and developmental perspectives PS2110 Module
How can psychology change the world: Clinical and Neuroscience perspectives PS2120 Module
How to be a psychologist PS1070 Module
Human Neuropsychology PS3131 Module
Human Performance: Working with Technology PS3171 Module
Intergroup and Interpersonal Processes PS5202 Module
Intergroup and Interpersonal Processes PS4202 Module
Introduction to Abnormal Psychology PS1110O Module
Learning and Memory PS1021 Module
Learning and Memory PS1021O Module
Lifespan Development PS1040O Module
Literature Review: Independent Critical Analysis (LiRICA) PS3210 Module
Methods in Cognitive Neuroscience PS3031 Module
MSci Research Dissertation PS4210 Module
Neuroscience in the Real World PS5208O Module
Neuroscience in the Real World PS5208 Module
Neuroscience of Emotion and Decision Making PS5207 Module
Neuroscience of Emotion and Decision Making PS4207 Module
Occupational and Organisational Psychology PS3151 Module
Optional Placement Year PS3900P Module
Optional Placement Year - Study Abroad PS3910P Module
Personality and Individual Differences PS2050 Module
Personality and Individual Differences PS2050O Module
Professional Clinical Practice PS5403 Module
Professional Clinical Practice and Skills PS5307O Module
Professional Clinical Practice and Skills PS5307 Module
Psychological Interventions in Clinical Child Psychology PS5404 Module
Psychological Research Methods and Analysis PS2010 Module
Psychological Science Research Project PS3194 Module
Psychology in Applied Settings PS5201 Module
Psychology in Applied Settings PS4201 Module
Psychology of Brain Injury PS3230 Module
Psychology of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion PS3195 Module
Psychology of Love, Death and Meaning PS3240 Module
Psychology of Love, Death and Meaning PS3240O Module
Psychology Work Placement PS3000P Module
RCA 1 (Report of Clinical Activity) PS6005 Module
RCA 2 (Report of Clinical Activity) PS6009 Module
RCA 3 PS6011 Module
RCA 3 (Report of Clinical Activity) PS6014 Module
RCR (Research Critical Review) PS6004 Module
Real World Data Science: AI & Machine Learning in Psychology & Beyond PS3192 Module
Research Approaches and Statistics for Health Settings PS5400 Module
Self and Society PS1030O Module
Sensation And Perception PS1061 Module
Social and Affective Neuroscience PS3191 Module
Social Psychology PS2030 Module
Social Psychology in the Real World PS3090 Module
Social Research Project (empirical or non-empirical) PS5205 Module
SRRP (Service Research Related Project) PS6013 Module
SRRP (Service Research Related Project) PS6008 Module
Statistics Assessment PS6012 Module
Statistics for Research PS5302 Module
The Ageing Brain PS3061 Module
The end point assessment PS5405 Module
Thesis PS6015 Module
Topics in Psychological Science PS4301 Module
Topics in Psychological Science PS5301 Module
Understanding Development across the Lifespan PS1040 Module
Understanding Individuals and Groups PS1030 Module
Understanding Mental Health and Wellbeing PS1110 Module
Understanding Neuroscience PS1090 Module
Understanding Perception and Cognition PS1080 Module
Understanding Psychological Research PS1010 Module
WAIS passout (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale) PS6002 Module
WISC passout (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) PS6001 Module

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