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Latin Epigraphy CL5115 Module
The Built Environment in Classical Antiquity CL2190 Module
Advanced Greek CL3727 Module
Advanced Greek CL1727 Module
Advanced Greek CL2727 Module
Advanced Latin CL2777 Module
Advanced Latin CL1777 Module
Advanced Latin CL3777 Module
Advanced Latin CL3760 Module
Advanced Latin A CL5120 Module
Advanced Latin B CL5121 Module
Alexander the Great: Contexts, Narrative and Criticism CL3351 Module
Alexander the Great: Texts, Contexts and Criticisms (MA component) CL5351 Module
An Economic and Social History of Roman Italy CL5306 Module
An Economic and Social History of the Roman Empire CL5307 Module
Ancient Etruria CL5921 Module
Ancient Literary Criticism CL3430 Module
Ancient Mosaics: Making and Meaning CL5918 Module
Approaches to Reception of the Classical World CL5907 Module
Aspects of Modern Greek Language and Culture CL2737 Module
Athenian Law and Social History CL3353 Module
Athenian Law and Social History CL5305 Module
Athenian Law and Social History CL2353 Module
Augustus CL3669 Module
Augustus CL3363 Module
Augustus CL2363 Module
Augustus CL2669 Module
Beginners' Greek CL1705 Module
Beginners' Latin CL1755 Module
Big Data in Roman Archaeology CL5552 Module
Body and Soul in Ancient Philosophy I CL2654 Module
Body and Soul in Ancient Philosophy II CL3654 Module
Built Environment in Ancient Greece CL5200 Module
Catullus and Horace CL2830 Module
Cinema and Classics CL3810 Module
Cities of Empire: Urbanism and Imperialism in the Roman Empire CL5314 Module
Cities of God: Making the LAte Antique City CL5320 Module
City of Athens CL3284 Module
City of Athens CL5195 Module
City of Rome CL5606 Module
City of Rome CL3188 Module
Contemporary Approaches to Latin Literature CL3440 Module
Department Based Project CL1999 Module
Department Specific Skills CL1998 Module
Dissent, Protest, and Riots in the Roman World CL3356 Module
Dissertation in Classical Reception CL5801 Module
Empire and its Others in Virgil's Aeneid CL2488 Module
Encounters With Latin Poetry CL2819 Module
Encounters With Latin Poetry CL3819 Module
Epic in the Roman World CL5827 Module
Extended Essay CL3200 Module
First Year Projects CL1201 Module
Food in the Ancient World CL3286 Course
From Dig to Digital: archaeological theory, methods and practice CL2194 Module
Further Aspects of Modern Greek Language and Culture CL3737 Module
Gender in Classical Antiquity CL2350 Module
Gender in Classical Antiquity CL3350 Module
Greek Drama CL3442 Module
Greek Drama CL2442 Module
Greek Dramatic Texts (in Greek) CL2809 Module
Greek Dramatic Texts (in Greek) CL3809 Module
Greek Dramatic Texts II (Comedy) CL3813 Module
Greek Epigraphy CL5703 Module
Greek Erotic Poetry (in Greek) CL2829 Module
Greek for Research (Beginner’s) CL5125 Module
Greek History & The City State CL1550 Module
Greek History from 403 to 322 CL2357 Module
Greek History To 322 BC CL2352 Module
Greek History to 404 CL2356 Module
Greek Literature CL1530 Module
Greek Lyric, Eros and Social Order CL3432 Module
Greek Oratory in Context: Politics, Identity, and the Art of Persuasion CL5355 Module
Greek Oratory in Context: Politics, Identity, and the Art of Persuasion CL3355 Module
Greek Prose Composition CL3740 Module
Hellenistic Epic: Apollonius of Rhodes CL2801 Module
Historiography of the Roman World CL2369 Module
History of the Latin Language CL5123 Module
Homer (in Greek) CL2810 Module
Homer (in Greek) CL3811 Module
Homer (in translation) CL3436 Module
Homer (In Translation) CL2436 Module
Homer - Iliad and Odyssey CL5810 Module
Homer - Odyssey CL5816 Module
Homer's - Iliad CL5815 Module
Homer's Legacy CL5701 Module
Horace CL5700 Module
Household and Empire: The Roman Family from Augustus to Justinian CL5325 Module
Imperial Greek Literature CL2816 Module
Imperial Greek Literature CL3816 Module
Imperial Greek Poetry: Epic & Epigram CL2802 Module
Independent Project on Rhetoric 1 CL5052 Module
Independent Project on Rhetoric 2 CL5053 Module
Independent Study: Making Classics CL5800S Module
Intensive Greek CL3705 Module
Intensive Greek CL2705 Module
Intensive Latin CL3755 Module
Intensive Latin CL2755 Module
Intermediate Greek CL3715 Module
Intermediate Greek CL1715 Module
Intermediate Greek CL2715 Module
Intermediate Latin CL2765 Module
Intermediate Latin CL1765 Module
Intermediate Latin CL3765 Module
Introduction To Greek Archaeology CL1580 Module
Introduction to Roman Archaeology CL1581 Module
Key Themes in Roman History CL1560 Module
Latin Epic CL2827 Module
Latin Epic CL3827 Module
Latin for Research (Beginners) CL5760 Module
Latin for Research (Beginners) CL5762 Module
Latin for Research (Intermediate) CL5761 Module
Latin for Research 2 CL5765 Module
Latin Letters CL2831 Module
Latin Letters CL3831 Module
Latin on the Edge: Writing in Exile CL2832 Module
Latin Prose Composition CL3790 Module
Letters in Roman Literature CL5554 Module
Life in the Big City: Urban Archaeology of the Graeco-Roman World CL2195 Module
Like Frogs Around a Pond: The Archaeology of Greek Colonization CL2192 Module
Logic And Rhetoric CL2663 Module
Luxury and Poverty in the Roman World CL5560 Module
MA Dissertation CL5000 Module
Making the Classical Past: Myth, Politics, Philosophy and Poetics CL5800 Module
Mediterranean World in the Iron Age CL5922 Module
MRes Rhetoric Dissertation CL5050 Module
Nature & the Supernatural in Latin Literature CL3435 Module
Neoplatonism CL5669 Module
Of Masks and Voices: Gender and Performance in Ancient Greece CL3340 Module
Perspectives on Roman Britain CL3462 Module
Perspectives on Roman Britain CL2462 Module
Plato (In Greek) CL2815 Module
Plato (in Greek) CL3815 Module
Plotinus CL5670 Module
Pompeii and Herculaneum CL2196 Module
Power and the Individual in Ovid's Metamorphoses CL2448 Module
Problems and Methods in Oratory and Rhetoric CL5051 Module
Research Training in Classical Art and Archaeology CL5091 Module
Research Training in Classics CL5090 Module
Roman Drama CL3818 Module
Roman Drama CL2818 Module
Roman Life Stories CL3354 Module
Roman Life Stories CL2354 Module
Roman Literature of the Empire CL1534 Module
Roman Oratory CL3315 Module
Roman Oratory CL5315 Module
Second Year Projects CL2201 Module
Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire CL5371 Module
Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire CL3371 Module
Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire CL2371 Module
Sources and Methods in Ancient History CL5300 Module
Sources And Methods In Ancient History (Federal M500) CL5300O Module
Spinning the Past: Greek Historiography from Herodotos to Diodoros CL2358 Module
Studying Classical Antiquity CL1570 Module
Tacitus and the Making of Empire CL3463 Module
Tacitus and the Making of Empire CL2463 Module
Tacitus on Being Roman CL2835 Module
Tacitus on Being Roman CL3835 Module
Tacitus on Being Roman: Defining Identity CL5835 Module
Tacitus on Being Roman: Experiencing Identity CL5836 Module
The Ancient Novel CL5031 Module
The Archaeology of Roman Britain: perspectives and approaches CL5553 Module
The Archaeology of the Roman Middle East CL3500 Module
The Archaeology of the Roman Middle East CL5550 Module
The Archaeology of the Roman Near East CL2500 Module
The Archaeology of Water CL5192 Module
The Good Life in Ancient Philosophy CL2655 Module
The Good Life in Ancient Philosophy II CL3655 Module
The Greek Bronze Age: Minoans and Mycenaeans CL2198 Module
The Roman Novel CL3800 Module
The Roman Republic: A social and economic history CL3370 Module
The Tragedy of Euripides CL3812 Module
Theatre in the Roman World CL5819 Module
Thinking Myth: Classical Myth and its Reception CL3441 Module
Understanding Pompeii and Herculaneum CL5182 Module
Understanding Pompeii and Herculaneum CL3182 Module
Undertaking Research in Classical Archaeology CL5700X Module
Undertaking Research in Classics CL5950X Module
Who Owns the Roman Past? Contemporary Issues in Roman Archaeology CL5551 Module

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