Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advocacy and Court Practice LL3006 Module
Asylum and Immigration LL2010 Module
Asylum and Immigration LL3010 Module
Body and Embodiment GS5401 Module
Children and Consumption CR5003O Module
Children and Consumption CR5003 Module
Children, Society and Risk CR3015 Module
Clinical Legal Education LL3011 Module
Commercial Law LL3012 Module
Company Law LL3004 Module
Comparative Perspectives on Private Law LL3019 Module
Constitutional Law of the USA LL3018 Module
Contemporary Debates in Sex Work CR2028 Module
Contemporary Debates in Sex Work CR3038 Module
Contemporary Forms of Terrorism CR5111 Module
Continuity and Change: Strategic Policing in the 21st Century CR5104 Module
Crime and Consumerism CR5005 Module
Crime and Consumerism CR5005O Module
Crime and Literature CR3006 Module
Crime and the Law CR2016 Module
Crime, Media and Culture CR3005 Module
Crimes of the Powerful CR3032 Module
Criminal Justice System CR1013 Module
Criminal Law LL2503 Module
Criminal Law LL1003 Module
Criminal Law LL1003J Module
Criminologists in Action CR3042 Module
Criminologists in Action CR2022 Module
Critical Readings in Criminology CR3008 Module
Critical Readings in Sociology CR3007 Module
Cybercrime CR3035 Module
Data Analysis CR2012 Module
Data Analysis for Psychologists CR2030 Module
Debates in Counter-Terrorism Studies CR5112 Module
Debates in Terrorism Studies CR5113 Module
Department Based Project LL0999 Module
Department Specific Skills LL0998 Module
Diet, Identity and Body Image CR3017 Module
Dissertation CR5109 Module
Dissertation CR3025 Module
Dissertation CR5117 Module
Dissertation CR5100 Module
Dissertation CR3011 Module
Drugs, Crime and Society CR3027 Module
English Legal System LL1005 Module
English Legal System LL1005J Module
Equity and the Law of Trusts LL3002 Module
European Union Law LL2007 Module
European Union Law (EU Law) LL3001 Module
Evidence-Based Practice and Research Methods in Policing CR5105 Module
Family Law LL3506 Module
Family Law LL2006 Module
Forensic Psychology and the Legal and Criminal Justice Context CR5101 Module
Forensic Psychology in Practice CR3037 Module
Forensic Psychology Practice with Adults CR5102 Module
Forensic Psychology Practice with Young People and Families CR5103 Module
Gender and Society CR2025 Module
Gender, Sexuality and Crime CR5028 Module
Gender, Sexuality and Crime CR3028 Module
Insolvency and Restructuring Law LL3024 Module
Intellectual Property Law LL3008 Module
International and Comparative Human Rights Law LL2003 Module
International and Comparative Human Rights Law LL3503 Module
International Criminal Law LL3013 Module
International Environmental Law LL3021 Module
Interpersonal Violence and Harm CR3031 Module
Interpersonal violence and harm CR5031 Module
Introduction to Criminology CR1011 Module
Introduction to Islamic Law LL3014 Module
Introduction to Sociology CR1014 Module
Introduction to Tax Law LL3017 Module
Introduction to the English Legal System: Online Assessment LL2505 Module
Jurisprudence LL3007 Module
Key Perspectives and Debates in Criminology CR2013 Module
Land Law LL2001 Module
Law and Film LL3023 Module
Law Dissertation LL3003 Module
Law of Evidence LL3504 Module
Law of Evidence LL2004 Module
Law of Financial Crime LL3015 Module
Law of Tort LL3502 Module
Law of Tort LL2002 Module
Law Optional Placement Year Study Abroad LL3000P Module
Legal History LL3022 Module
Lost in Music: The Sociology of Popular Music CR3026 Module
Media Law LL3016 Module
Medical Law LL3005 Module
Policing and the Community CR5106 Module
Policing and Vulnerability CR5107 Module
Policing Turning Points: Scandals and Reform CR3016 Module
Prisons CR3023 Module
Professional and Legal Skills LL1006 Module
Professional and Legal Skills LL1006J Module
Public International Law LL2005 Module
Public International Law LL3505 Module
Public Law (Constitutional, Administrative and Human Rights Law) LL2501 Module
Public Law (Constitutional, Administrative and Human Rights Law) LL1001J Module
Public Law (Constitutional, Administrative and Human Rights Law) LL1001 Module
Race, Ethnicity and Migration CR3009 Module
Research Methods and Data Analysis for Psychologists CR2010 Module
Research Methods for Social Scientists CR2011 Module
Risk and Decision-Making in Policing CR5108 Module
Sentencing and Penal Policy CR3029 Module
Social Policy and Social Problems CR1015 Module
Sociology of Consumption CR5001 Module
Sociology of Consumption CR5001O Module
Sociology of Contemporary Society CR2014 Module
Sociology of health and illness CR3001 Module
Sociology of Religion CR3034 Module
Sociology of Religion CR2034 Module
Sociology of the Family CR2019 Module
Supreme Court Studies LL3025 Module
Terror Through Time: A Historical Perspective CR5114 Module
Terrorism Studies Part 1 CR3018 Module
Terrorism Studies Part 2 CR3019 Module
Terrorism, the Media and Communication CR5110 Module
The Digital Society CR3033 Module
The Digital Society CR2033 Module
The Law of Contract LL1002J Module
The Law of Contract LL2502 Module
The Law of Contract LL1002 Module
The Law of Succession LL3020 Module
The Psychology of Terrorism CR5116 Module
The Sociology of Death CR3036 Module
Transnational Organised Crime CR5115 Module
Victims and Witnesses CR3030 Module
Violent Crime - Sociological and Psychological Perspectives CR2015 Module
Year in Industry LL3511 Module
Year in Industry CR3511 Module
Youth and Crime CR2017 Module
Youth in Society: Culture, Subculture & Transgression CR3004 Module
Youth in Society: Deviance and Delinquency CR3003 Module
Youth in Society: The Sociology of Youth and Youth Culture CR2021 Module

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