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Safeguarding adults for those not in social care: e-learning course

Safeguarding adults is everybody’s business. We all have a responsibility to help prevent abuse and to act quickly.

This course is an introduction to safeguarding adults for people who don’t work in the health or social care sector, but who still have a role to play in keeping people at risk safe.

The course will help you understand the key principles of adult safeguarding, how to recognise the types and indicators of abuse, and how to report and respond to concerns.

Course content

  • Safeguarding adults: an introduction
  • What does safeguarding mean?
  • What could I do?
  • Why is safeguarding important?
  • How to report and respond to concerns

Learning outcomes

  • Describe the key principles of adult safeguarding
  • Recognise types and indicators of abuse
  • Describe the key difference between adult and child safeguarding
  • Identify what is meant by abuse and neglect
  • Outline how to report and respond to concerns

Purchase for you and your colleagues

Standard price per learner: £29.00 + VAT

Discounts applied for orders of multiple licences.

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